Countryside HOA – On September 3, 2022, the Countryside HOA Board of Directors voted favorably on a motion to present to our residents a change in the Bylaws to incorporate a Code of Conduct and qualifications for members serving on the Board of Directors.  According to our current Bylaws, notice of a “Special Meeting” is required 15 days prior to the Special Meeting.  Therefore, notice has been posted in our HOA website calendar as an “event” and in our News section as an article.   Countryside needs 10% (or 17) of the residents vote in order to pass the motion.

Master HOA – On October 1, 2022, the Master HOA Board of Directors presented a motion to present to our residents a change in the Bylaws to incorporate a Code of Conduct and qualifications for members serving on the Board of Directors.  The motion was “tabled” until October 5, 2022 to give several Master Board members an opportunity to review and provide input in order for the Master Board to vote before a Special Meeting.  According to our current Bylaws, notice of a “Special Meeting” is required 10 days prior to the Special Meeting.  Therefore, notice has been posted in our HOA website calendar as an “event” and in our News section as an article.   Master needs 10% (or 27) of the residents vote in order to pass the motion.

Village HOA – On October 1, 2022, the Village HOA cancelled their meeting and has provided no indication if they want to pursue this motion.  No Special Meeting is schedule for The Village at this time.


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