Master HOA

The Master HOA takes care of all the common areas in our community. This includes maintaining the common area grounds, plants and trees, and our fountain.     


Countryside was the first section of the Tuscan Ridge community constructed in 2001. There are 157 home lots located in this section of Tuscan Ridge built by All American Homes.  


The Village

The Village was built after the Countryside section of the Tuscan Ridge community was sold out.  There are 110 home lots located in this section of Tuscan Ridge built by RD&C Builders.


We are a community that CARES.


See Something, Say Something.

If you see anything suspicious…

Please call the non emergency number of

Polk County Sheriff at 863-298-6200.

Too Much Noise?

Know your rights and download brochure on noise ordinance at:



Solicitor At You Door?

If any solicitor comes to your property and they do not have a Polk County permit, they are NOT allowed to be in our development. Notify the Polk County Office at once. Call the non-emergency line at 863-298-6200

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