On October 8, 2022 – Master HOA Board of Directors Approved a Motion to Present Bylaw Amendment to Residents to vote at the November 5, 2022 monthly/special meeting.

At the Master HOA monthly meeting, a motion was presented and approved to present a vote to the Master HOA residents an amendment to the current Bylaws to incorporate a Code of Conduct for sitting HOA Board members and identify the qualifications necessary to be a sitting and future Board Member.

They include the text noted below and a Code of Conduct that will be mailed to each of you via USPS mail from Garrison and/or via an email. 

YES – I vote in favor of the Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws

NO – I vote against the Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws

We believe this will insure we have trained quality people to represent you, our residents and the business necessary to manage the Community at Tuscan Ridge.   If you cannot come and vote in person, please give your proxy form to your neighbor, your HOA representative or Garrison to submit your vote on your behalf.

Proposed additions listed below:

Article 3 – Board of Directors – Section 2. Number, Qualification, Election and Tenure

All Members on the Board of this Homeowners Association shall be deemed qualified by either submitting certification that they understand and will abide by the HOA Association documents and signature of Exhibit E, or produce a certificate of satisfactory completion of a Division Approved Educational Curriculum as required by section 720.3033(1(a), of Chapter 720, Florida Statutes and signature of Exhibit E, Code of Conduct to these Bylaws.


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