Amenity Usage

Any owner or long-term renters of Tuscan Ridge. Airbnb or short-term rental residents are not allowed to use this amenity. Just hover over the menu "Forms" and scroll down to "Request Clubhouse Access Code" from the dropdown menu. Fill out the liability form and your will receive the access code shortly upon review of your request. Please note: No one under the age of eighteen (18) is allowed in the Clubhouse without an adult.
Any resident and/or renter can utilize this amenity. The access gate is not locked, however there is 24/7 surveillance cameras surrounding the property. Please note: No wheeled objects can be ridden on the tennis court (skateboards, skate shoes, roller skates, scooters).
Absolutely! If you have an overnight or weekend guest and need extra parking, just email the HOA Board to obtain approval. Send the request to countryside@tuscanridgecommunity.org. Please note: Parking may be limited so please be sure to state the date and time your vehicle will be parked and when it will be removed.

HOA & Membership Frequently Asked Questions

A Homeowners’ Association (HOA) is a non-profit organization to help manage, run, and maintain a community. It is given the authority to enforce the covenants, conditions & restrictions (CC&Rs) and to manage the common amenities of the development.
To function correctly, an HOA is required to have a board which is authorized to act on a community’s behalf. These boards help create and enforce community guidelines and maintain shared spaces. Boards are made up of volunteers from the community who are elected into the position by other members of the association.
The HOA consists of all owners within each community. Each and every owner is a member of the HOA. The Board of Directors consists of those owners who have been elected to conduct the day-to-day business of the association and make the decisions that affect all owners.
A set of rules or guidelines regarding the operation of an HOA Board. Bylaws generally set forth definitions of offices and committees involved with the HOA Board of Directors. They can include voting rights, meetings, notices, and other areas involved with the successful operation of the HOA.
The rules of the HOA community are described in what's called the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). The CC&Rs describe the requirements and limitations of what you can do with your property. The goal of the CC&Rs is to protect, preserve, and enhance property values in the community. Examples might be to maintain a property in a reasonable state of repair, to preserve a sight-line for a neighboring property, not to run a business from a residence, or not to build on certain parts of the property. Many covenants are very simple and are meant only to protect a neighborhood from homeowners destroying trees or historic things or otherwise directly harming property values. Some can be more specific and stricter, outlining everything a homeowner can do to the exterior of their home, including the number of non-familial tenants one may have, acceptable colors to re-paint the home, exactly when holiday decorations are allowed up, automobile placement or repair on property, satellite placement, etc.
An assessment is something used to manage and maintain the community. Some of the expenses that must be paid include, but are not limited to water, electricity, repairs, maintenance, improvements, community management, mailings to owners, insurance and legal fees. Some money is also put into a reserve account to pay for future maintenance.
No. A predetermined set of fees usually referred to as Dues or assessments are collected by HOAs or divisions of property management for the upkeep of said organizations or neighborhoods in general. These fees are billed at intervals, sometimes by month, quarter, or annually.
A property management entity contracted by a HOA Board of Directors provides a variety of services including but not limited to collecting assessments, sub-contractor endeavors, financial advisement and statement/reports preparation and analysis, general maintenance and problem resolution, and advisement on legal and other property related matters.
An HOA violation notice is a document that the association sends to a residents it has found in breach of its Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R). The goal of the notice is to inform a resident that their property violates the Governing Documents of the Association and offer suggestions on how to resolve the problem with a time frame for them to do so.
Typically the property management entity hired by the HOA Board (in this case Garrison Property Services) sends violation notices for all violations observed during their inspection of the Tuscan Ridge community or reported by another owner. The letter you receive states the specific violation and the date it was reported.

Tuscan Ridge HOA Committees

HOA committees assist Board Members by addressing specific community issues and tasks.
Under the current By-laws, Tuscan Ridge utilizes various Committees to support each sub-association. To find out more about the committees for all HOAs (Master, Countryside and The Village), go to www.tuscanridgecommunity.org and click on the "Committees" top-level menu.
An architectural committee, also known as an architectural review or architectural control committee, is responsible for enforcing the community’s architectural standards. This committee reviews proposals for modifications, approving or denying them according to the HOA architectural committee guidelines outlined in the CC&Rs.
If the property owner's request is denied by the Architectural Committee, the property owner can then escalate their request to the HOA Board of Directors for further consideration. The HOA Board reviews the request and either approves or denies the request.

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